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The winery from Veneto has received an excellent award for one of its wines.

In the last edition of the Berliner Wein Trophy 2023 the winery from Veneto, Serre, received an important award: the gold medal for Lovré Valdobbiadene Docg Extra Dry.

Lovrè is a Valdobbiadene DOCG Prosecco Superiore, offered in an Extra Dry version; pleasant and truly drinkable thanks to its distinctive hint of sweetness. It is made from pure Glera grapes, harvested in the steep vineyards of Combai when fully ripe in September.

This wine has a classic white vinification, carried out using a reductive technique to preserve all the wine’s finest and most pleasant aromas. This is followed by the so-called ‘presa di spuma’, in an autoclave.

The wine has a beautiful straw yellow colour, with greenish reflections indicating its freshness and a fine and persistent perlage. The bouquet is fresh and fruity with exotic hints of pineapple and banana; it is soft and creamy on the palate.

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